Merilyn Pursell , Bearwildered Modern Heirloom Bears

Merilyn Pursell of Bearwildered Modern Heirloom Bears is an indigenous Australian from Glenorie, She lives on a farm on the edge of Sydney.

A multi-talented Milliner, Seamstress and Artist Bear Designer, Merilyn been making bears longer than she can remember. These days she finds herself mainly making small, highly detailed collectibles.

Her little bears are wobble jointed and all hand sewn from hand dyed german mohair and wool felt. They are filled with polyfill and stainless steel shot, that gives them their lovely weight. They range between 3-6 inch range (8-15cm). She hand makes all their hats and bags from wool felt and knits their tiny jackets. The stands and music boxes are hand crafted by her husband, Dave and herself, keeping this truly in the family.

She hopes you enjoy this hug of bears….

Visit her websites below to view more of her wonderful creations: