Mia Chua , Sock Softie Studio

Mia Chua loves craft work. She made her first classic teddy bear 20 years ago and started experimenting with various materials and patterns. Two years ago she started using socks to create her softies, and now owns more than 1000 different types of socks in varied colours, designs, and materials.  Her daughter often has to drag her out of any shops that sells socks. Her Socksoftie creation includes the Socksoftie Victorian Lace Bunny, the Socksoftie Little Freckles, the Socksoftie Bruh and Socksoftie Kimono Girl series.

Mia is a qualified and certified facilitator and courseware developer for adult education. She strives to deliver an enriching and fulfilling experience for her craft workshop participants with her decades of experience in facilitating corporate training! Sewing a good time together is her philosophy! 

Visit Mia’s pages to view more of her lovely creations.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socksoftiestudio/